

首页 » 产业 » 行业 2015-09-21 转化医学网 赞(3)

  据Illumina公司的高级副总裁Rick Klausner介绍,这项合作程序将帮助调查是否非侵入性的监测是否可以却带血液检测技术,同时确定是否ctDNA可以反应患者总体的癌症发病情况,同时研究者还会将研究结果同活组织检查结果进行对比来预测疗法的反应和患者预后。

  最后纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心的首席医疗官Jose Baselga在一份声明中表示,减少非侵入及昂贵诊断的次数,同时利用简单的血液检测来监测整个过程的进行对于癌症患者来说或将是游戏规则的改变,这对于癌症患者或将带来更有效的帮助。(转化医学网360zhyx.com)
Memorial Sloan Kettering, Illumina Partner on Research Studies of ctDNA

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Illumina are collaborating on research studies of circulating tumor DNA, the partners said today.

The goal of the studies is to better understand the biology of ctDNA and to inform new strategies for diagnosing and monitoring cancer with the help of ctDNA.

The studies will involve multiple cancer types. MSK will collect the samples and Illumina will analyze them for ctDNA using its sequencing technology. The partners plan to validate a ctDNA assay and to demonstrate correlations between ctDNA and cancer burden. 

According to Illumina Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Rick Klausner, the program will investigate whether invasive monitoring could be replaced with a blood test, whether ctDNA reflects the total burden of cancer clones, and how it compares to biopsies for predicting therapy response and outcome.

"The possibility of reducing the number of invasive and expensive diagnostic and monitoring procedures with a simple blood draw is a game-changer for cancer patients and for oncology," said Jose Baselga, physician-in-chief and chief medical officer at MSK, in a statement.

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