
贝丝-以色列-迪肯尼斯医疗中心获NIH 300万美元资助 寻找心脏疾病新型生物标志物

首页 » 产业 » 行业 2015-09-21 转化医学网 赞(2)
近日,美国国立卫生研究院计划奖励贝丝-以色列-迪肯尼斯医疗中心(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,BIDMC)300万美元,这笔资金将支持BIDMC进行II期研究,即寻找可以用于预测心脏疾病患者预后的新型microRNAs。

  近日,美国国立卫生研究院计划奖励贝丝-以色列-迪肯尼斯医疗中心(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,BIDMC)300万美元,这笔资金将支持BIDMC进行II期研究,即寻找可以用于预测心脏疾病患者预后的新型microRNAs。
  在NIH这项资助的帮助下,研究人员将在后期研究中证实miR-30d的作用及作用机制,同时也可以进行大量病人群体的研究来发现其它的候选miRNAs;BIDMC的研究者Saumya Das教授表示,在过去两年里,我们已经利用RNA测序技术鉴别了患者机体血浆中细胞外RNAs的特性,这就可以帮助我们更好地理解病人心脏病发作后的预后情况。

NIH Awards Beth Israel Team $3M to Continue Study of Heart Disease Biomarkers

The National Institutes of Health has awarded a Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) research team $3 million in funding to support the second phase of an effort to identify microRNAs that can be used to predict clinical outcomes of heart disease patients.

The grant, which was awarded under the NIH's Extracellular RNA Communication program, follows a $4 million award the group received to kick off the project in 2013.

To date, the team has identified a number of miRNA biomarker candidates including miR-30d, which the researchers reported earlier this year as a predictor of beneficial cardiac remodeling in patients following a heart attack and a key player in preventing cell death.

With the latest grant, the investigators aim to validate miR-30d and other candidate miRNAs in several large patient cohorts.

"Over the past two years, we have been using RNA sequencing technology to identify characteristics in extracellular RNAs in plasma that might enable us to better predict patient outcomes following a heart attack," Saumya Das, a BIDMC researcher and principal investigator of the grant, said in a statement. "Our ultimate goal is to use microRNA-based tests to predict which patients might be at risk of complications related to remodeling. That way we can more aggressively monitor their conditions and intervene with medications or implantable devices if needed."

Collaborating with Das and his BIDMC colleagues are collaborators from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital.

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