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  Allele公司已经建立了科学顾问委员会,用来指导iPSC样本库商业公司的业务,Mahendra Rao 和Joseph Paulauskis目前为该委员会的第一成员,Rao是 Invitrogen公司再生医学部的副总裁,同时也是美国国立卫生研究院的再生医学中心的创会理事,目前他是Q Therapeutics公司的首席战略官。
  Paulauskis 是Paradigm Dx公司的首席运营官,也是国际基因组协会的副总裁。(转化医学网360zhyx.com)

Allele Establishes iPSC Bank Business
Allele Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals today announced it has formed a commercial business to bank human induced pluripotent stem cells by private individuals. 

The San Diego-based firm said that in addition to providing a service to its customers, the iPSC bank will be a resource to biomedical researchers. With consent given by the bank's customers, thousands of iPSC lines — along with accompanying sequence database and health information — will be made available to scientists and clinicians. 

Allele has acquired an 18,000-square-foot facility near its headquarters in preparation of establishing the iPSC bank, which will serve as the center of cGMP production of human iPSCs using the firm's synthetic mRNA platform. The technology generates cells without the random integration of foreign DNA or the use of viruses or virus-based elements, it said. 

The firm has also established a scientific advisory board to guide the iPSC bank business. Mahendra Rao and Joseph Paulauskis are the board's first members. Rao was the vice president of regenerative medicine at Invitrogen and the founding director of the National Institutes of Health's Center for Regenerative Medicine. He is currently chief strategy officer at Q Therapeutics. 

Paulauskis is the chief operating officer at Paradigm Dx and the VP of research and biobanking for the International Genomics Consortium. 

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