
盘点全球生物安全顶级实验室(BSL4, P4)

首页 » 产业 » 行业 2016-03-31 美中药源 王守业 赞(2)
  近日埃博拉疫情的日益严峻,美国疾控中心和世界卫生组织都将埃博拉疫情响应升至最高级别,这也使媒体对埃博拉病毒关注的目光,转向研究埃博拉病毒的利器、也几乎是必备神器¾生物安全4级实验室,生物安全实验室共分4级(Biosafety Level 1-4), 生物安全4级实验室又常被称为P4实验室,这个P可不是个屁,是指Pathogen(病原) or Prote...


  近日埃博拉疫情的日益严峻,美国疾控中心和世界卫生组织都将埃博拉疫情响应升至最高级别,这也使媒体对埃博拉病毒关注的目光,转向研究埃博拉病毒的利器、也几乎是必备神器¾生物安全4级实验室,生物安全实验室共分4级(Biosafety Level 1-4), 生物安全4级实验室又常被称为P4实验室,这个P可不是个屁,是指Pathogen(病原) or Protection(保护)。说生物安全4级实验室是生物安全顶级实验室,不仅仅是指生物安全方面是顶级的,最高的,其造价也是最贵的,因此,数量很少,即使是在全球范围内,生物安全4级实验室也只有56个,这还包括一些正在建设中的(参见下表)。

序号 名   字 位   置 建设时间 说   明
1 Virology  Laboratory of the Queensland Department of Health Australia,  Queensland, Coopers Plains
2 Korea  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) Osong,  Cheongwon county, North Chungcheong province, South Korea 2013
3 University  of Queensland - Sir Albert Sakzewski Virus Research Centre (SASVRC) Royal  Women's Hospital Brisbane P3 (BL3) Australia,  Queensland, Herston
4 Australian  Animal Health Laboratory Australia,  Victoria, Geelong
5 National  High Security Laboratory Australia,  Victoria, North Melbourne National  High Security Laboratory Operates under the auspice of the Victoria  Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory.
6 Republican  Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Belarus,  Minsk Department  of Molecular Epidemiology & Innovational Biotechnologies
7 National  Microbiology Laboratory Canada,  Manitoba, Winnipeg Located  at the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, it is jointly  operated by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Food  Inspection Agency.
8 Wuhan  Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences China,  Hubei, Wuhan 2003 Wuhan  Institute of Virology already hosts a BSL-3 laboratory. A distinct BSL-4  facility is currently being built based on P4 standards, the original  technology for confinement developed by France. It will be the first at level  4 in China, under the direction of Shi Zhengli.
9 Biological  Defense Center Czech  Republic, Pardubice, Těchonín 1971,  rebuilt 2003-2007 Located  at the Centrum biologické ochrany (Biological Defense Center)[13]
10 Laboratoire  P4 Jean Mérieux France,  Rhône-Alpes, Lyon 1999 Jean  Mérieux laboratory is a co-operation between the Pasteur Institute and  INSERM. Note that in France, it is P4 for Pathogen or Protection level 4.
11 Centre  International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville Gabon 2013 This  facility is operated by a research organization supported by both Gabonese  (mainly) and French governments, and is West Africa's only P4 lab (BSL-4).
12 Robert  Koch Institute Germany,  Berlin The  facility was licenced for construction by City of Berlin on November 30,  2008.
13 Bernhard  Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine Germany,  Hamburg
14 Friedrich  Loeffler Institute on the Isle of Riems Germany,  Isle of Riems (Greifswald) 2010 Deals  especially with virology
15 Philipps  University of Marburg Germany,  Marburg 2008 The  facility is licenced to work with genetically modified organisms
16 High  Security Animal Disease Laboratory (HSADL) India,  Bhopal 1998 This  facility deals especially to zoonotic organisms and emerging infectious  disease threats.
17 Centre  for Cellular and Molecular Biology India,  Hyderabad 2009 National  Bio-Safety Level-4 Containment Facility for Human Infectious Diseases &  Clinical Research Facility in Regenerative Medicine.
18 All  India Institute of Medical Sciences India,  New Delhi 1993 Conducts  studies on major pathogenic organisms. Has contributed in discovering new  strains & vaccines.
19 Microbial  Containment Complex India,  Pune 2012 Bio-Safety  Level-IV Laboratory established by ICMR with support from Department of  Science & Technology
20 Azienda  Ospedaliera Ospedale Luigi Sacco Italy,  Lombardy, Milan A  university hospital in Polo Universitario; it contains two special vehicles  for transporting infectious persons.
21 Istituto  Nazionale Malattie Infettive Italy,  Lazio, Rome This  facility, (trans.) National Institute of Infectious Diseases, operates within  the Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital.
22 National  Institute for Infectious Diseases Japan,  Tokyo, Musashimurayama Located  at National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Department of Virology I; this  lab has the potential of operating as a BSL-4, however it is limited to  perform work on only BSL-3 agents due to opposition from local residents and  communities.
23 Institute  of Physical and Chemical Research Japan,  Ibaraki, Tsukuba This  is a non-operating BSL-4 facility.
24 Netherlands  National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) Netherlands,  Bilthoven 2009
25 Cantacuzino  Microbiological Research Institute (INCDMI) Romania,  Bucharest
26 "Dr.  Carol Davila" Central Military Hospital Romania,  Bucharest
27 State  Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR Russia,  Novosibirsk Oblast, Koltsovo It  is one of two facilities in the world that officially hold smallpox. The  other Russian BSL-4 facilities have been dismantled.
28 National  Institute for Communicable Diseases South  Africa, Johannesburg National  Institute for Communicable Diseases of Special Pathogens Unit is one of only  two BSL-4 facilities in Africa but the only suit laboratory on the continent.
29 Swedish  Institute for Communicable Disease Control Sweden,  Solna Swedish  Institute for Communicable Disease Control is Scandinavia's P4 facility.
30 University  Hospital of Geneva Switzerland
31 Spiez  Laboratory Switzerland,  Spiez
32 Kwen-yang  Laboratory (昆陽實驗室) Center of Disease Control Taiwan Part  of the Department of Health, Taiwan.
33 Preventive  Medical Institute of ROC Ministry of National Defense Taiwan
34 Health  Protection Agency's Centre for Infections United  Kingdom, Colindale Located  in the Viral Zoonosis unit.
35 National  Institute for Medical Research United  Kingdom, London
36 Institute  for Animal Health United  Kingdom, Pirbright
37 Institute  for Animal Health Compton Laboratory United  Kingdom, Compton
38 Defence  Science and Technology Laboratory United  Kingdom, Porton Down
39 Health  Protection Agency United  Kingdom, Porton Down Special  Pathogens Reference Unit.
40 Health  Protection Agency United  Kingdom, Porton Down Botulism.
41 Francis  Crick Institute [22] United  Kingdom, London Under  construction. The UKCMRI will not work on Human Hazard Group 4 agents.
42 Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention United  States, Georgia, Atlanta Currently  operates in two buildings. One of two facilities in the world that officially  hold smallpox.
43 Georgia  State University United  States, Georgia, Atlanta Is  an older design "glovebox" facility.
44 National  Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), Kansas State University United  States, Kansas, Manhattan Under  construction. Facility to be operated by the Department of Homeland Security,  and replace the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (which is not a BSL-4  facility). Planned to be operational by 2015, but likely delayed.
45 National  Institutes of Health (NIH) United  States, Maryland, Bethesda Located  on the NIH Campus, it currently only operates with BSL-3 agents.
46 Integrated  Research Facility United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick Under  construction. This facility will be operated by National Institute of Allergy  and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), it is planned to begin operating at 2009 at  the earliest.
47 National  Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick Under  construction, it will be operated for the Department of Homeland Security.
48 US  Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick 1969 Old  building
49 US  Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick 2017? New  building, currently under construction
50 National  Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory (NEIDL), Boston University United  States, Massachusetts, Boston Under  construction by Boston University, building and staff training complete,  waiting for regulatory approval.
51 NIAID  Rocky Mountain Laboratories United  States, Montana, Hamilton National  Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
52 Kent  State University, Kent Campus United  States, Ohio, Kent Operates  as a clean lab at level 3 for training purposes. Scheduled for conversion to  a hot level 4 lab in response to a bioterrorism event in the USA.
53 Galveston  National Laboratory, National Biocontainment Facility United  States, Texas, Galveston Opened  in 2008, facility is operated by the University of Texas Medical Branch.[23]
54 Shope  Laboratory United  States, Texas, Galveston Operated  by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).
55 Texas  Biomedical Research Institute United  States, Texas, San Antonio The  only privately owned BSL-4 lab in the US.
56 Division  of Consolidated Laboratory Services United  States, Virginia, Richmond This  facility is part of the Department of General Services of the Commonwealth of  Virginia. so called "surge" BSL-4 capacity.

(表中内容参考http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosafety_level#Biosafety_level_4 制作)

  如上表所示,56个生物安全顶级实验室遍布世界五大洲,其中非洲大陆只有两个,分别位于南非和加蓬。单论国家而言,美国最多,有15个,其中包括一个正在建设中的、隶属军队的实验室,还包括一个归私人所有的P4实验室(位于Texas Biomedical Research Institute,德州生物医学研究所),该P4实验室的私人属性(而非归国家所有)恐怕不仅在美国绝无仅有,恐怕在世界范围内都是独一无二的。



  需要说明的是, 除了埃博拉病毒必须要在P4实验室操作外,还有其他一些高致病性病毒,如马尔堡病毒,拉萨(Lassa)病毒, 克里米亚- 刚果出血热病毒, 玻利维亚和阿根廷出血热病毒以及其它出血热病毒等。


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