

首页 » 研究 » 免疫 2015-03-13 转化医学网 赞(7)
Population Genetics Technologies(PGT)今日宣布了与凯斯西储大学和合作,深入开发基于下一代测序技术的艾滋病病毒耐药性诊断测试。

  Population Genetics Technologies(PGT)今日宣布了与凯斯西储大学和合作,深入开发基于下一代测序技术的艾滋病病毒耐药性检测测试。

  该项新型检测测试将采用PGT公司自主开发的VeriTag技术,该技术可以提高下一代测序技术的精准性,帮助临床医生为HIV患者制定更加科学的治疗方案。 VeriTag 技术加强了下一代测序技术对抗药性突变毒株的检测能力,能够精确检测到只发生在1%的HIV毒株中的耐药性突变。PGT项目负责人表示,通过对比,标准的HIV耐药性突变测序检测技术只能探测到20%以上毒株所发生的耐药性突变,而基于下一代测序技术所开发的耐药突变检测技术只需通过一项检测便可准确探测到1%-5%的毒株所发生的耐药突变,极大程度上提高了该项检测的精准性。

  PGT将与凯斯西储大学病理学助理教授Miguel Quiones-Mateu 合作开展该项目,Miguel Quiones-Mateu教授同时担任该大学医院转化医学实验室科学负责人。通过应用下一代测序技术,他的工作侧重于揭示HIV耐药突变发生机制和耐药突变发生后的临床影响。


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  Population Genetics Technologies today announced an agreement with Case Western Reserve University to further develop next-generation sequencing-based diagnostic tests to determine HIV drug resistance.
  The tests will be used to help manage HIV patients and will leverage PGT's technology called VeriTag for increasing the sensitivity of next-generation sequencing. VeriTag enhances the power of NGS to detect drug-resistance mutations occurring in .1 percent of viruses. By comparison, standard sequencing tests for HIV drug resistance can detect a mutation at no lower than 20 percent of viruses, while NGS alone can detect resistance mutations at the 1 percent to 5 percent level, PGT said.
  PGT will work with Miguel Qui?ones-Mateu on the project. Qui?ones-Mateu is an assistant professor of pathology at CWRU and scientific director of the University Hospitals Translational Laboratory. Using NGS technology, his work focuses on understanding the mechanisms and clinical consequences of drug resistance.
  PGT said that the VeriTag-based tests are expected to be US Food and Drug Administration-approved and CE-marked with full cloud-based data analysis, data management, and clinical reporting. They will target the HIV and hepatitis C virus drug-resistance monitoring markets, while subsequent tests will focus on antimicrobial resistance in healthcare-associated infections to help guide therapeutic use.

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