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  研究者Forsberg及其同事对70岁至84岁的1153名男性个体的血液样本进行了分析研究发现,相比血细胞Y染色体未缺失的个体而言,Y染色体缺失的个体平均存活的时间会减少5.5年;另外经历Y染色体缺失会增加个体患癌症死亡的风险。Jan Dumanski博士表示,许多人都认为,Y染色体仅仅含有和性别分化及精子产生的基因信息,实际上这些基因也具有其它的功能,比如抑制肿瘤发生等,而当Y染色体缺失发生时,Y染色体上的基因就不会进行表达,紧接着其肿瘤抑制效应也会大打折扣。

Age-related loss of the Y chromosome (LOY) from blood cells, a frequent occurrence among elderly men, is associated with elevated risk of various cancers and earlier death, according to research presented at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2014 Annual Meeting in San Diego.
This finding could help explain why men tend to have a shorter life span and higher rates of sex-unspecific cancers than women, who do not have a Y chromosome, said Lars Forsberg, PhD, lead author of the study and a geneticist at Uppsala University in Sweden.
LOY, which occurs occasionally as a given man's blood cells replicate – and thus takes place inconsistently throughout the body – was first reported nearly 50 years ago and remains largely unexplained in both its causes and effects. Recent advances in genetic technology have allowed researchers to use a blood test to detect when only a small fraction of a man's blood cells have undergone LOY.
Dr. Forsberg and colleagues studied blood samples from 1,153 elderly men aged 70 to 84 years, who were followed clinically for up to 40 years. They found that men whose samples showed LOY in a significant fraction of their blood cells lived an average of 5.5 years less than men whose blood was not affected by LOY. In addition, having undergone LOY significantly increased the men's risk of dying from cancer during the course of the study. These associations remained statistically significant when results were adjusted for men's age and other health conditions.....

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