

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2014-12-30 转化医学网 赞(3)



  研究者Ajit Varki博士表示,截止到目前揭示Neu5Gc分子和癌症之间的关联仅能通过进行人工试验来间接获得,而本研究则首次模拟了人类机体中的具体情况,即喂养非人类机体的Neu5Gc分子,诱导抗Neu5Gc分子的抗体形成,从而增加小鼠机体癌症的自发形成。研究者发现,红肉(牛肉、猪肉和羊肉)中富含Neu5Gc分子,这就可以断定,含Neu5Gc分子的哺乳动物肉制品就是人类桌子上的“美食”;同时Neu5Gc分子也具有生物可用性,其可以通过血液分布于机体全身。



  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理,谢绝转载。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com

A red meat-derived glycan promotes inflammation and cancer progression
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1417508112
Annie N. Samraja,1, Oliver M. T. Pearcea,1, Heinz Läublia, Alyssa N. Crittendena, Anne K. Bergfelda, Kalyan Bandaa, Christopher J. Gregga, Andrea E. Bingmana, Patrick Secresta, Sandra L. Diaza, Nissi M. Varkia,b, and Ajit Varkia,c,2
A well known, epidemiologically reproducible risk factor for human carcinomas is the long-term consumption of “red meat” of mammalian origin. Although multiple theories have attempted to explain this human-specific association, none have been conclusively proven. We used an improved method to survey common foods for free and glycosidically bound forms of the nonhuman sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc), showing that it is highly and selectively enriched in red meat. The bound form of Neu5Gc is bioavailable, undergoing metabolic incorporation into human tissues, despite being a foreign antigen. Interactions of this antigen with circulating anti-Neu5Gc antibodies could potentially incite inflammation. Indeed, when human-like Neu5Gc-deficient mice were fed bioavailable Neu5Gc and challenged with anti-Neu5Gc antibodies, they developed evidence of systemic inflammation. Such mice are already prone to develop occasional tumors of the liver, an organ that can incorporate dietary Neu5Gc. Neu5Gc-deficient mice immunized against Neu5Gc and fed bioavailable Neu5Gc developed a much higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas, with evidence of Neu5Gc accumulation. Taken together, our data provide an unusual mechanistic explanation for the epidemiological association between red meat consumption and carcinoma risk. This mechanism might also contribute to other chronic inflammatory processes epidemiologically associated with red meat consumption.

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