导读 | 密歇根大学综合癌症中心的研究人员,揭开了引发罕见乳腺肿瘤-叶状瘤的遗传线索,从而为揭示叶状瘤发生的分子改变首次提供了深入的分析数据,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Molecular Cancer Research上,研究者利用新一代的测序技术对归档的组织样本进行100多个基因的分析,从而鉴别出了特殊的基因改变。 |
近日,来自密歇根大学综合癌症中心的研究人员通过研究,揭开了引发罕见乳腺肿瘤-叶状瘤的遗传线索,从而为揭示叶状瘤发生的分子改变首次提供了深入的分析数据,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Molecular Cancer Research上,研究者利用新一代的测序技术对归档的组织样本进行100多个基因的分析,从而鉴别出了特殊的基因改变。
研究者Scott A. Tomlins说道,关于叶状瘤我们知道的并不多,从某种角度来讲叶状瘤还没有被深入研究过,因为研究人员很难积累大量的叶状瘤组织样本。本文研究中,研究人员利用新型测序技术,对已经积累的样本进行研究,从而为揭示叶状瘤的发病机理提供了一定的思路。
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A new study from researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center characterizes the genetic underpinnings of a rare type of breast tumor called phyllodes tumors, offering the first comprehensive analysis of the molecular alterations at work in these tumors.
The analysis uses next-generation sequencing techniques that allow researchers to identify alterations in more than 100 genes from archived tissue samples.
"We know little about the biology of phyllodes tumors. In part, they have not been studied much because it's difficult to accumulate a large number of samples. Using these new sequencing techniques, we were able to study archived tissue samples, which allowed us to identify enough samples to perform a meaningful analysis," says study author Scott A. Tomlins, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of pathology and urology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
Phyllodes tumors represent about 1 percent of all types of breast tumors. Most are benign but they do have the potential to become metastatic. Currently, there are no good ways to reliably predict which tumors are likely to recur or spread after initial treatment. Once phyllodes tumors become metastatic, there are few effective treatments.