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近日,来自哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)的研究人员通过研究指出,食物的化学组成的详细信息或许很容易通过生产者、零售者及消费者来获得,比如获取这些信息后,我们就会知道用于很多中食品中的明胶是否来自于猪肉或牛肉,亦或者是奶酪制作者将能够精确估计何时奶酪会制作好。

  近日,来自哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)的研究人员通过研究指出,食物的化学组成的详细信息或许很容易通过生产者、零售者及消费者来获得,比如获取这些信息后,我们就会知道用于很多中食品中的明胶是否来自于猪肉或牛肉,亦或者是奶酪制作者将能够精确估计何时奶酪会制作好。

  哈德斯菲尔德大学的化学研究中心名为IPOS(Innovative Physical Organic Solutions),其开创性地使用了一种名为MPP的化学统计学软件,MPP(Mass Profiler Professional)是一种通过相关代谢组学的统计分析软件,其可以提取来自原料药和食品中组成分子的相关数据,这种软件目前也在由安捷伦公司推向市场。


  研究者Nicholas Powles博士解释道,MPP软件可以被用于对明胶进行质谱分析,并且在成千上万个分子中寻找到可以指示猪肉或牛肉的特殊分子化学标记物;目前明胶在很多行业中都使用,包括制药行业、化妆品行业、食品加工行业等,随后IPOS的研究也将促进对明胶制造商的认证,比如其所生产的产品是猪肉或牛肉的,那么这将会成为质量保证的一种方式,而目前IPOS也在同主要的明胶制造商进行密切地合作。


  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理,如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com

The University's chemistry research centre, named IPOS (Innovative Physical Organic Solutions), is pioneering the use of a chemometric software package, called Mass Profiler Professional (MPP), as a means of extracting data about the molecular composition of food and pharmaceutical products. The software is marketed by world-leading scientific equipment supplier Agilent, which has an established major partnership with IPOS.

The Huddersfield team had already used MPP to carry out pharmaceutical research, and then Agilent laid down a challenge -- could IPOS develop a technique for establishing the difference between pork and beef gelatine? It is a significant issue. For example, producers of Halal foods need to avoid any trace of pork in their products.

A PhD student, Sean Ward, has been working on the research as part of a project co-funded by Agilent. He is supervised by Professor Mike Page and Dr Nicholas Powles, of IPOS. Dr Powles explained that the MPP software was being used to carry out mass-spectrometry analysis of gelatines and discovering which, among thousands of molecules, are the unique chemical markers of beef or pork.

Gelatines are employed by many industries, including pharmacy, cosmetics and food production, with desserts and confectionary such as marshmallows being typical uses. Soon, the IPOS research will enable gelatine manufacturers to certify, for example, that their products are pork or beef-free. It will be a form of quality assurance, said Dr Powles, and IPOS has been working closely with a leading gelatine producer.

Developing this use of MPP is enabling IPOS to move into several other areas, such as a technique to determine when cheese has reached maturity, using molecular analysis rather than relying on the judgement of a taster. There are also plans to examine aspects of egg production.

PhD researcher Sean Ward is nearing the end of the first year of his three-year project. Huddersfield-born, he trained and worked as a mechanic before switching to science and studying for a MChem degree at the University of Huddersfield. He has now gained such levels of expertise in the use of Agilent's MPP programme that he is able to train others in the technology.

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