
2017国际干细胞与免疫治疗领导者峰会(2017 World Stem Cell and Immunotherapy Leaders Summit (WSCI))

首页 » 产业 » 会议 2017-08-17 转化医学网 赞(2)
峰会由昆明市人民政府主办;云南省科学技术厅、云南省卫生与计划生育委员会支持;昆明高新技术开发区管委会、云南舜喜再生医学工程有限公司、 云南省干细胞库、云南省科学技术院、云南省生物医药大健康产业发展促进会承办;中国科学院昆明动物所、云南省医学会、云南省药学会、Thermo Fisher公司协办。会议邀请了“IVF之父” ,全球干细胞领域十大科学家,舜喜首席科学家Alan Trounson院士担任大会荣誉主席并发表主旨演讲。


2017 World Stem Cell and Immunotherapy Leaders Summit (WSCI)

2017826-27日 中国·昆明 August 26-27 KUNMING CHINA




峰会由昆明市人民政府主办;云南省科学技术厅、云南省卫生与计划生育委员会支持;昆明高新技术开发区管委会、云南舜喜再生医学工程有限公司、 云南省干细胞库、云南省科学技术院、云南省生物医药大健康产业发展促进会承办;中国科学院昆明动物所、云南省医学会、云南省药学会、Thermo Fisher公司协办。会议邀请了“IVF之父,全球干细胞领域十大科学家,舜喜首席科学家Alan Trounson院士担任大会荣誉主席并发表主旨演讲。




Welcoming Speech

Dear guests,

Welcome to“2017 World Stem Cell and Immunotherapy Leaders Summit”. This summit is hosted by General Office of Kunming Municipal People’s Government, supported by Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department, Health and Family Planning Commission of Yunnan Province, operated by Kunming High Tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, Yunnan Suns Regenerative Medicine Engineering co. LTD, Yunnan Province Stem Cell Bank, Yunnan Provincial Academy of Science and Technology, and Yunnan Biological Medicine Health Development Association, assisted by Kunming Institute of Zoology. CAS, Yunnan Medical Association, Yunnan Pharmacology Association, and Thermo Fisher. This summit will invite Prof. Alan Trounson, who is “the Father of IVF”, one of the top 10 scientists in global stem cell field, chief scientist of Suns Regenerative Medicine Research Center, as the honorary chair to give the keynote speech.

This summit will promote integrated development of the biological medicine, big health industry, and stem cell industry in Yunnan province. It will improve Yunnan’s global status in stem cell research, and increase influence to South Asia and Southeast Asia. Following the Belt and Road Initiative, this summit will also promote international development of stem cell research and clinical application, and provide an opportunity to communicate, discuss and cooperate about stem cell and immunotherapy for global researchers.

Once again, welcome to “2017 World Stem Cell and Immunotherapy Leaders Summit” and thanks for your support.

Organizing Committee

August 26, 2017




















陈曦:+86 13888699537

张益丽:+86 13888683732

Conference Notification

Dear guests,

Welcome to “2017 World Stem Cell and Immunotherapy Leaders Summit”. The following are several meeting attentions and we hope to get your cooperation sincerely.

1Participating Card

Please wear the participating card during the meeting.

2Simultaneous Interpreting

The meeting will offer Chinese and English interpreting, you can get free earphone with your valid certificate (identity card or passport). Please return the earphone at the same place when you leave.

3Wireless Network

There is free wireless network during the meeting.


Two parking lots you can choose, Intercontinental Hotel and Haigeng Hall.

5Points For Attention

(1) Please wear the participating card constantly.

(2) Please keep quiet and maintain the meeting order.

(3) Please adjust your mobile phone to silent or vibration mode.


Xi Chen: +86 13888699537

Yili Zhang: +86 13888683732




Alan Trounson院士中国行
















Thermo Fisher公司






Alan Trounson 院士










Conference Name:

2017 World Stem Cell and Immunotherapy Leaders Summit (WSCI)

Alan Trounson China Tour

Hosting Organization:

General Office of Kunming Municipal People’s Government

Supporting Organizations:

Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department

Health and Family Planning Commission of Yunnan Province

Operating Organizations:

Kunming High Tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee

Yunnan Suns Regenerative Medicine Engineering Co. Ltd

Yunnan Province Stem Cell Bank

Yunnan Provincial Academy of Science and Technology

Yunnan Biological Medicine Health Development Association

Assisting Organizations

Kunming Institute of Zoology. CAS

Yunnan Medical Association

Yunnan Pharmacology Association

Thermo Fisher Scientific


Yunnan Province Haigeng Convention Center


English-Chinese Bilingual(with Simultaneous Interpreting)

Honorary Chair:

Alan Trounson Fellow


Gang Pei Fellow

Executive Chair:

Yijia Li


Xi Chen, Shanshan Yan, Yili Zhang

Tel: 13888699537 (Xi Chen)

Email: WSCI2017@163.com

会议议程 Summit Agenda


国外专家Foreign Experts

Alan Trounson 教授






Prof. Alan Trounson

Fellow of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering

“Father of IVF”

One of the top 10 scientists in global stem cell field in 2013

Former chairman of California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)

Honorary Chief Scientist of Suns Regenerative Medicine

Katarina Le Blanc 教授


瑞典瓦伦堡再生医学研究中心 主任

瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院 再生医学研究中心 主任

卡罗林斯卡学院 Karolinska Institutet,又名卡罗琳学院、卡罗琳医学院、卡罗林斯卡医学院,曾名皇家卡罗琳学院(卡罗琳是为了纪念瑞典国王卡尔十二世的军队),是瑞典著名的医学院,世界顶尖医学院之一。卡罗林斯卡学院建立于1810年,在瑞典国内仅晚于乌普萨拉大学和隆德大学。学校位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩,地处波罗的海和梅拉伦湖交汇处。卡罗林斯卡学院是世界上最大最好的单一医学院之一,也是世界医学排名前十的医学院,承担了全国43%的医药类学术研究,并拥有一个附属的卡罗林斯卡大学医院 (Karolinska University Hospital)。同时,学院有一个诺贝尔委员会而闻名于世,每年负责评审和颁发诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

Prof. Katarina Le Blanc

Member of the Nobel Prize Committee

Director of the Wallenberg Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Head of Research Center for Regenerative Medicine, Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet, known as Caroline Institute, Caroline Medicine Institute, Karolinska Medicine institutet, it was also named the Royal Caroline Institute. Karolinska Institutet is Sweden’s single largest center of medical academic research and one of the world’s foremost medical universities. It is founded in 1810 and located in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, which is in the intersection of the Baltic Sea and Lake Malaren. Karolinska Institutet was the first seat of learning to focus exclusively on medicine, and is today Sweden's only purely medical university. Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden. It also has an affiliated hospital, Karolinska University Hospital. Meanwhile, a number of prizes and awards are presented at Karolinska Institutet every year. The Karolinska Institutet Nobel Assembly handles the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Kenneth Giacin


Cord Blood AssociationCBA)是一个国际非营利性机构,它以挽救生命、改善健康和改进医学为目的,促进脐血库工作的开展。自从80年代末的第一例脐带血移植和90年代初的第一家脐血库成立以来,一直没有一个能组织或者代表全行业的机构。脐血储存的宣传工作就放到了个别库和医生身上,然而每个人都有其自己的观点,从而造成了利益的分散。为了满足这一需求,在2014年的业内专家齐聚一堂成立了CBA,其工作重点即是宣传脐血应用技术、确保优质的产品和服务、整体市场推广、脐血干细胞研发整合、以及脐血知识的公共和专业教育。

Kenneth Giacin

Vice president of Cord Blood Association (CBA)

CBA is an international nonprofit organization that promotes the banking and use of umbilical cord blood and related tissues for disease treatment and regenerative therapies. There was no institute that can organize or represent cord blood industry since the first-transplantation of umbilical cord blood in the late 1980s and the first-establishment of cord blood bank in the early 1990s. As a result, the publicity of cord blood storage was undertaken by individual stem cell banks and doctors, however, different individuals had different opinions on this issue and led to the decentralization of interests in this industry. To solve this problem, the CBA is a new trade and professional association for cord blood banking founded in September 2014. The focus of its work is to promote the application of cord blood technology, to ensure high quality products and services, the overall marketing, cord blood stem cell research and development integration, and umbilical cord blood knowledge of public and professional education.

Yoji Sato教授

日本国立健康科学研究中心(NIHS日本国立生命科学研究机构,相当于中国科学院) 细胞治疗产品部首席科学家。


Prof. Yoji Sato

Prof. Yoji Sato is the chief scientist of cell treatment products division of National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS).

The main responsibility of NIHS is to explore the basic knowledge in nature of life and life behaviors, and apply these knowledges to elongate human beings’ lifespan, prevent, diagnose and treat various diseases and physical disabilities. NIHS not only has their own laboratory for medical research, they also support non-governmental scientific institutes such as universities, medical schools, hospitals and other domestic and overseas research organizations by various financing methods and research funds.

Wise Young 教授

美国新泽西州 罗格斯大学 (Rutgers University) 神经科学系 (Cell Biology & Neuroscience) 教授兼系主任,全球脊椎治疗权威的华裔科学家,因致力协助脊椎伤患恢复身心能力而在医学界有神经建造者神经建筑师之誉。他于 2001 年获《时代》杂志选为美国十八位最佳科学家及医生之一。

Prof. Wise Young

Prof. Wise Young is a Chinese American scientist who is authoritative in spinal cord injury treatment. He is the professor and head of the Department of Cell Biology & Neuroscience at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and he is honored as “the Builder of Neuro” or “Neural Architect” due to his contribution on assisting patients with spinal cord injury to recover physical and mental abilities. He was selected by TIME Magazine in 2001 as one of the 18 best scientists and doctors in the United States.

Dr. Purva Sethi

生物学博士,印度唯一一家获得FACT认证的干细胞库Stemcyte 主任,并且担任移植协调员。

Dr. Purva Sethi

PhD in Biology, head of StemCyte, which is the only stem cell bank authenticated by the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) in India. She also served as a coordinator in stem cell transplantation.


Domestic Experts


裴钢同志1999年当选中国科学院院士,2006年起任中国科学院生命科学和医学部副主任;2001年当选第三世界科学院院士。现为中国细胞生物学会理事长,亚太细胞生物学组织主席,中药全球化联盟副主席,《Cell Research》主编和国际多种学术刊物编委。并担任国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员,中国科学院研究生院学位委员会副主任,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)第四届专家顾问组成员,发育与生殖研究重大科学研究计划专家组组长,国家重大基础平台建设专家组成员。

Gang Pei Fellow

Prof. Gang Pei was selected as the fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1999, and he served as the head of the Department of Life Science and Medicine in CAS since 2006. In 2001, he was elected as the fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and he is currently the director of the Chinese Society for Cell Biology (CSCB), the chairman of Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology (APOCB), the vice chairman of Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), the editor-in-chief for Cell Research Magazine and editorial board member for various international academic journals. He also served as the member of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, the deputy director for Academic Degrees Committee of Graduate School in Chinese Academy of Sciences, the member of the Fourth Expert Advisory Group for National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), the leader of "Development and Reproduction Research" Major Scientific Research program expert group and the member of the expert group of National Major Infrastructure Platform Construction.



Prof. Yufang Shi

Prof. Yufang Shi is the director of Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS and the group leader of the Immune and Adult Stem Cells. He is the distinguished professor of Soochow University, and president of the Institutes for Translational Medicine and the vice president of The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University. He is the first batch of scholars selected for "The Recruitment Program of Global Experts", and the national distinguished professor, the member of the 973 Research Program.



Prof. Lingyun Sun

Prof. Lingyun Sun is a chief physician and doctoral supervisor. Prof. Sun is currently the executive director of the Department of Rheumatology of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital which is the affiliated hospital of Nanjing University Medical School.



Prof. Yuanlin Song

Prof. Yuanlin Song is doctoral supervisor recruited by Shanghai Municipal Board of Education (Oriental Scholar) as the distinguished professor, he is also the vice director of Shanghai Respiratory Diseases Research Institute, the deputy chairman of Shanghai Respiratory Diseases Association, researcher of Respiratory Department of Fudan University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital. Prof. Song also heads the Laboratory of Biophysics of Fudan University Institute of Respiratory Diseases and vice director for the Laboratory of Lung Infection Research.



Chaohui Wu

Secretary–General of China Medicinal Biotechnology Association (CMBA)



Xuke Yin

Expert Committee Secretariat of National Stem Cell Clinical Research



Prof. Zongliu Hou

Prof. Zongliu Hou is master supervisor who was granted the Yunnan provincial government allowance. She is the academic and technical leader and has outstanding contributions as a professional technician in Kunming. Prof. Hou is currently the director of the Central Laboratory of Kunming Yan'an Hospital.



Prof. Jian Xu

Prof. Jian Xu is the director of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology in the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University. He finished postdoctoral study in the Department of Clinical Rheumatology, Peking Union Medical College. He is doctoral supervisor and the director of the Center of Rheumatology and Autologous Immunology in Yunnan Province, selected as senior visiting scholar to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the United States. He is also the academic leader of the Rheumatoid Immunology for High-Quality Health Technical Personnel in Yunnan Province and as a young academic and technical leader candidate for Yunnan.

媒体合作伙伴Media Partners

支持单位Supporting Unit



SUNS Regenerative Medicine

SUNS Regenerative Medicine is the leader of mesenchymal stem cell research & transform in China, assembling the top-level scientific research resources all over the world. SUNS sets up whole industrial chain in the stem cell translation field, the purpose of SUNS is to transform the most advanced basic research to safe and effective therapy and promote the development of stem cell industry in China through innovation model, which consists of Stem Cell Bank, Cell Manufacture Center, and Global Cooperate Centers.



Stem Cell Storage

Stem cells, as the seeds, can differentiate into various tissues, and repair damaged organs to treat diseases, therefore are known as the “master cells” in medical field. There are a lot of mesenchymal stem cells in umbilical cord, placenta, and other appurtenances, these kinds of mesenchymal stem cells are purer, safer, and have low immunogenicity, great differentiation ability. It is the safest and most effective method for obtaining stem cells.


Ø 按照GMP认证标准设计建立

Ø 具备严格的质量控制体系和全国领先的干细胞储存及应用能力

Ø 全球脐带血联盟中国区首家创始成员

Ø 翻译和推广《FACT脐血库认证标准第六版》《FACT-JACIE细胞治疗产品采集制备管理》《细胞治疗产品标准》

Yunnan Province Stem Cell Bank

Establishment of laboratory according to GMP accreditation standards

Have strict quality control system and nationally leading storage and application capacity of stem cells

First founding member of Cord Blood Association

Translation and promotion of FACT Cord Blood Accreditation Manual Six Edition, FACT-JACIE International Standards for Cellular Therapy Product Collection, Processing, and Administration, Common Standards for Cellular Therapies



Gene Test

Gene test is a new technology that can understand susceptibility gene conditions of various diseases by DNA sequencing and analyzing. It can help customers to understand their own gene information, forecast the risk of various diseases, which can prevent or avoid diseases by improving living environment and habits according to the gene test results.



Ø 按照GMP认证标准设计建立

Ø 配备美国illumina公司的HiSeq 3000高通量基因测序仪和iScan高密度基因芯片扫描仪

Ø 国家发展和改革委员会2015年(1303)号文件立项成为第一批国家基因检测技术应用示范中心、肿瘤早期筛查与个性化治疗中心

Ø 中国科学院联合建立了医学大数据模式挖掘与应用联合实验室及舜喜超算中心

Ø 建立全球首个痛风基因组、转录组、表观基因组、宏基因组数据库

SUNS Medical laboratory

(Medical Institution Practice License, Registration No: 33666656-X53010217P1202)

Establishment of laboratory according to GMP accreditation standards

Equipment: High throughput gene sequencer illumina HiSeq 3000 and high-density gene chip scanner illumina iScan

First National Demonstration Center of Gene Test and Application, Early Tumor Screening and Individual-based Treatment Center which was approved by National Development and Reform Commission in 2015

Set up Joint Laboratory of Big Medical Data Mining and Application with Chinese Academy of Sciences

Establish the first global gout gene database including genome, transcriptome, epigenome and metagenome


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